Saturday, 27 August 2011

Another Contest!

Hey Jammers!

  Because we had to cancel the party, we will hold a contest as an apology! Here are the questions!

- Did the Seal or Elephant come first?
- Name all the Shamans
- Where can you see a moose-like carving?
- In Animaljam, where can you see a giraffe?

The Prize Is A Mystery!
Contest Ends On The Third Of September!
And Like Usual, Send Your Answers To Our Mail!


  1. I missed it and thats sad.-Dragontigerwolf26790

  2. I do know the awnsers. The seal came first.Appondale was here with elephants.Seals were here before appondale.
    I knwo shamans Greely the wolf Liza the Panda Sir gilbert the tiger Peck the rabbit harper the seal and Grahamthe monkey.Ruby the rhino Horse the horse.
    In appondale you can see a Giraffe
