Sunday 27 May 2012

Coral Canyons Journey Book

Hey Jammers!

The journey book findings for Coral Canyons will be up soon!
If you need help with any other places, be sure to check out our journey book findings page!
The pages/tabs are underneath the blog title!


  1. Are you stupid? They have pages there for each place except Coral Canyons. They said SOON! It doesn't mean NOW!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. sorry the reply might have been mean to the guy but still be nice dude.If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at ALL!


    3. OH i have another thought you might be the imposter creater for m00sab and taIiya.Ya that might be it.


  2. I'd like to see you do any better on a blog. This blog is one of the best I've seen! As well as some of the nicest and most honest bloggers. LoveLost and Snowyclaw's blog are great, but LoveLost is a horrible person if you happen to spot her talking to people that are not fan. As for Snowyclaw, she/he I don't really like. She/he always speaks in a way as if they are telling the truth, but is hiding something. Either way, you're either retarded, or just an idiot.
