Wednesday 1 August 2012

Music Videos To Be Released Soon!

Hey Jammers!

  This is Taliya here! I have been unable to contact Moosab, due to the fact she is traveling around the world because it's summer vacation! But I am working hard to create plenty more music videos for you guys! When Moosab returns, we will keep you guys updated on the new AJ stuff!

 Although, as the one who designs the blog, and posts everything except updates and the posts Moosab wishes to post on her own, I also have to monitor the blog/youtube comments.

 And I have been thinking about this for a while -

 Do you guys wants us to make AJ updates?

 I know the AJ newspaper already makes updates, so would you likes us to continue posting them?

 Please comment below what you will like to be updated on:

- Clothes
- Rare Mondays


We will keep you updated on parties, new animals/lands, and all the important stuff like that :P


  1. I think you should keep on posting the updates just because if people want to see whats new before they start to actually play aj.I also can't wait to see the new music videos!


  2. Oh hello taliya your blog never posts anything so you should close it down I don't know why anyone ever still looks at your blog anymore there's much much better ones like snowyclaws and lovelosts your blog is to just make you more known in the aj world now.

    1. :o This blog is amazing! If Moosab and/or Taliya sees this, then their feelings will get hurt. Don't be mean. BTW, this isn't only Taliya's blog. It's also Moosab's.

  3. Oh hey you guys switch back and forth alot don't you first moosab said taliya wont be back in weeks and now suddenly taliyas back and moosabs traveling the world guys are such fakes

    1. Moosab said Taliya hasn't been on AJ for weeks, not she wasn't coming back for weeks. And Moosab hasn't been posting lately.... So I don't know what you're talking about.

    2. Moosab and Taliya are both on Summer vacation! I have never met Moosab or Taliya but I know that they're both nice!

    3. They're both on vacation. Jeez

  4. Taliya you unbuddied me .....I thought I was your freind but I guess one day when you were clearing out your buddy list you thought why not and just unbuddied me......;0( you made a very sad clown....

    1. Maybe she unbuddied you because you never talk to her? And the fact you didn't sign with a user, she doesn't even know who you are.

    2. You didn't sign with a user too.but anyway i dont like to use my user from aj because im afraid when i come on a whole group of people will swarm me and ask me questions

    3. Well.. there could be a lot of reasons. Have you ever hung out with Taliya before? Maybe you did something that bothered her. Or maybe she needed more buddy slots. I know, I talk a lot XD

  5. @ Anonymous (well, I guess they are all Anonymous, but the one that made rude comments).

    Consider this:
    They're on Summer Vacation! Geez give them a break! They are ALLOWED TO TRAVEL! I just posted on my blog today for the first time in a while because I've been away! D:<

    THEY ARE NOT FAKES!! I have met Moosab and Taliya, and they are BOTH VERY NICE! They try their hardest on this EPIC blog.

    And lastly, what is Taliya or Moosab see this and get their feelings hurt. EVERYONE HAS FEELINGS YA KNOW. You almost hurt me by saying those things (okay, I know that doesn't really make sense but it's true) so imagine how much pain Taliya and Moosab may be in.

    All I'm saying is show a little respect...

    -Wolves900 (on AJ)

  6. I think you should do all of them. Because most blogs do updates every day.
