Saturday 21 January 2012

Deleted Buddies

Hey Jammers!

  If you are one of those people who keep complaining that we deleted them, KEEP ON READING!

  We only delete you if -

 1) You do not talk to us often
 2) You were being rude to us or other jammers
 3) You would not leave us alone even if we asked
 4) You scam people
 5) You come to us every time we log on (It gets VERY annoying)
 6) You beg us to put or mention you on the blog
 7) You beg to be in a video
 8) You were only keeping us as friends because we are bloggers/we have rares

  And just because we delete you, doesn't make us mean. We always have a reason.

  I don't want to name names but, RPMC24, we did delete you for a reason. And that doesn't make us mean, and it doesn't mean you can tell  everyone we're mean. It just doesn't give you rights, just cause we deleted you. And because we are bloggers, it doesn't mean we both have to put up with everyone's attitude and be nice to them even if they are cussing at little kids.

 And by the way you are complaining, are you saying we are not allowed to delete people? Only our friends can delete us?